France 1789-1815 Revolution by D. M. Sutherland, 0006860184 France 1815-1914: Bourgeois Century by Roger Magraw, 0006861466 Rise & Fall of Renaissance France by R.J. Knecht, 0006861679 Identity of France by Fernand Braudel, S.(Tr.) Reynolds, 0006861695 The Breads of France by Bernard Clayton, 0020094701 On the Waterfront France Nineteen Ninety-Three by Daily Telegraph Staff, 0006378196 Self Catering Handbook France by Book Creation Company Staff, 0004361040 Collins Road Atlas France: With Belgium & Luxembourg 0004480694 France 1995 0004481518 Collin's Road Atlas France 1995 0004481534 Collins Road Atlas France 1996 0004482573 Collins France Road Map 0004486226 Map of France 0004488903 France: A Culinary Journal by Alexandra Michell, 0002550318 The Best of France: A Cookbook by Evie Righter, 0002550865 Forbidden Bestsellers of Pre-revolutionary France by Robert Darnton, 0002556367 Rise & Fall of the Renaissance in France by R. J. Knecht, Knecht, 0002556790 France the Beautiful Cookbook by Scotto Sisters, 0002154129 France the Beautiful: Cookbook 1992 Engagement Calendar by Scotto Sisters, Gilles Pudlowski, Collins Publishers San Francisco 0002159392 Identity of France by Fernand Braudel, 0002177730 Road to France by Harry Harris, 0002188376 Secondary Education in France Manhattan Publishing Company 9287125783 Cultural Policy in France: European Programme for the Appraisal of Cultural Policies by Council of Europe Staff, Manhattan Publishing Company 9287119236 Seminar on the Biology & Conservation of the Wildcat (Felis Silvestris) (Nancy, France, 23-25 September, 1992) Manhattan Publishing Company 9287122369 Qualitative Comparison of National Standards (Manufacture Test & Quality Standard Construction of Fast Reactors in France, Belgium, UK, etc. by H. Sarnoch, R. Bonadventure, Bernan Associates 928269688X European Seminar Pulp & Paper Manufacture Grenoble - France by European Communities Staff, Bernan Associates 9282637980 Secondary Education in France by OECD Staff, Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development 9264145486 Youth Employment in France: Recent Strategies by OECD Staff, Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development 9264126295 Regulations Affecting International Banking Operations in Belgium-Luxembourg, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland & the United Kingdom 1980-1981 by OECD Staff, Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development 926412196X Manpower in France by Organization for Economic Cooper, Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development 926411078X Agricultural Policy in France by Organization for Economic Cooper, Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development 9264112243 The Industrial Policy of France by Organization for Economic Cooper, Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development 9264112421 Report of the 14th Session of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission, Bordeaux France, May 27-June 3 1986 Bernan Associates 9251022291 Cultural Policy in France Bernan Associates 9231018701 Unemployment in France, the Federal Republic of Germany & the Netherlands: A Survey of Trends, Causes & Policy Options (WEP Study) by Wouter Van Ginneken, Michel Garzuel, International Labour Office 9221030326 Afghanistan to France: A Global Review United Nations 9211512468 Industrial Applications of Radioisotopes & Radiation in Czechoslovakia, France, the Soviet Union & the United Kingdom Bernan Associates 9201670672 Standardization of Radiation Dosimetry in the Soviet Union, France, the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic of Germany & Czechoslavakia Bernan Associates 9201170734 La France dans l'Afrique de l'Apres-Guerre Froide: Interventions et Justifications by Inger Osterdahl, Transaction Publishers 9171064109 Hotel Gems of France by Luc Quisenaerts, Seven Hills Book Distributors 907565801X Flore Algologique des Cotes du Nord de la France et de la Belgique by E. Coppejans, R. Kling, Balogh Scientific Books 9072619161 Linguistique Naturaliste en France by E. Peters, Books International, Incorporated 9068318780 The Winding up of Insolvent Companies in England & France by Christopher Livadas, Kluwer Law International 9065440879 Arbitration in France: The French Law of National & International Arbitration by Jean-Louis Delvolve, Detlev Von Breitenstein, Pierre Bellet, Kluwer Law International 9065440984 Labour Law & Industrial Relations in France by M. Despax, J. Rojot, Kluwer Law International 9065443436 Taxes in France by Bureau Francis Lefebvre Staff, Kluwer Law International 9065445145 L' Orient Romanesque En France, 1704-1789: Tome III, L'idee De Progres L'orient by Marie-Louise Dufrenoy, Humanities Press International, Incorporated 9062031080 Notes Pour Servir a L'histoire, a la Bibliographie et a la Cartographie De la Nouvelle France et Des Pays Adjacents by H. Harrisse, Humanities Press International, Incorporated 9060411021 Flore Mycologique de la France & des Pays Limitrophes by Lucien Quelet, Lubrecht & Cramer, Limited 906123123X Les Diatomees Marines de la France by H. Peragallo, M. Peragallo, Lubrecht & Cramer, Limited 9061232120 Modern Dance in France, 1920-1970: An Adventure by Jacqueline Robinson, Gordon & Breach Publishing Group 9057020157 The Development & Financing of Public Real Property in Urban Areas in Belgium, Germany, France & Great Britain by B. W. Lambregts, M. Spaans, Coronet Books 9040716927 Symphorien Champier & the Reception of the Occultist Tradition in Renaissance France by Brian Copenhaver, Mouton de Gruyter 9027976473 Le Mouvement Physiocratique En France, De 1756 a 1770 Mouton de Gruyter 9027960860 Estat Present de l'Eglise et de la Colonie Francoise dans la Nouvelle France par M. l'Eveque de Quebec by Jean B. Saint-Vallier, Mouton de Gruyter 9027963320 Les Haitiens en France by Francois-Regis Bastide, M. Francoise, F. Raveau, Mouton de Gruyter 9027975159 Les Assemblees Anabaptistes-Mennonites de France by Jean Seguy, Mouton de Gruyter 9027975248 Les Hommes et la Peste En France et Dans les Pays Europeens et Mediterraneens: Le Peste Dans L'mistoire, Tome 1 by Jean N. Biraben, Mouton de Gruyter 9027975558 Philosophies of Language in 18th Century France by Pierre Juliard, Mouton de Gruyter 9027906998 Coping with Sustained Low Fertility in France & the Netherlands by N. Van Nimwegen, J. C. Chesnais, P. A. Dykstra, Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers 9026513437 Early Deism in France by C. J. Betts, Kluwer Academic Publishers 9024729238 The Survey, or Topographical Description of France. with a New Mappe by John Eliot, 9022109232 Les Origines de la Reforme des Carmes en France au XVllieme Siecle by P. W. Janssen, Kluwer Academic Publishers 9024701805 The Order of Minims in Seventeenth-Century France by P. J. Whitmore, Kluwer Academic Publishers 9024701961 Articles Agreed on in the National Synode of the Reformed Churches of France 902210799X The Determinations of the Most Famous Universities of Italy & France 9022103293 Urban & Rural Communities in Medieval France: Provence & Languedoc, 1000-1500 by Kathryn L. Reyerson, J. Drendel, Brill Academic Publishers, Incorporated 9004108505 Magic & Divination at the Courts of Burgundy & France: Text & Context of Laurens Pignon's Contre les Devineurs (1411) by Jan R. Veenstra, Brill Academic Publishers, Incorporated 9004109250 La France et la Mediterranee: Vingt-Sept Siecles d'Interdependance by Irad Malkin, Brill Academic Publishers, Incorporated 9004089306 France & Germany in an Age of Crisis, 1900-1960: Studies in Memory of Charles Bloch by Haim Shamir, Brill Academic Publishers, Incorporated 9004092285 How to Eat Out in France by Marilyn Piauton, National Book Network 8873010989 Wine & Cheese of France: Two Volume Set by Jean F. Doroy, Frank Artigaud, National Book Network 887301268X France: Selestat by Casa Bonechi, 888029184X The Higher Civil Service in France by Shriman Maheshwari, South Asia Books 8170232899 The History of Mauritius or the Isle of France & the Neighboring Islands from Their First Discovery to the Present Time by Charles Grant, South Asia Books 8120609891 France by Hiro Kishikawa, Books Nippan 4309715915 Ile de France Green Guide by Michelin Travel Publications, St, Michelin Travel Publications 4408013021 France Green Guide by Michelin Travel Publications, St, Michelin Travel Publications 4408013056 Panoramic France by France Varry, BookWorld Services, Incorporated 3929932016 Pictorial Tour Through Southwest France by George Wendt, BookWorld Services, Incorporated 3929932601 France, Allemagne et "Europe Verte" by Gilbert Noel, Peter\Lang#Publishing, Incorporated 3906751651 Visions Allemandes de la France (1871-1914): Frankreich aus Deutscher Sicht (1871-1914) by Helga Abret, Michel Grunewald, Peter\Lang#Publishing, Incorporated 3906754049 La France et l'Integration Europeenne: Essai d'Historiographie by Pierre Gerbet, Peter\Lang#Publishing, Incorporated 3906754332 Claude Le Jeune et Son Temps en France et dans les Etats de Savoie (1530-1600): Musique et Litterature Actes du Colloque International de Chambery (4-7.11.1991) Organise par l'Universite de Savoie, le Centre d'Etudes Franco-Italiennes des Universites de Savoie et de Turin et l'Institut de Recherches et d'Histoire Musicale des Etats by Marie-Therese Bouquet-Boyer, Pierre Bonniffet, Peter\Lang#Publishing, Incorporated 3906754421 La Grande Flore en Couleurs de Gaston Bonnier. France, Suisse, Belgique et Pays Voisins (The Grand Flora As Illustrated by Gaston Bonnier. France, Switzerland, Belgium & Vicinities) by Gaston Bonnier, Robert Douin, Julie Von Poinsot, Martine Guex, Evelyne Mermillod-Bijkerk, Balogh Scientific Books 3826329716 Country Houses in France Books Nippan 3822870757 Gardens in France by Taschen Staff, 3822877468 Twenty-Ninth Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research (ESSR), Abstracts, Montpellier, France, May 1994 by L. Teot, S.\Karger#AG 3805560028 Etude Ecologique et Phytosociologique des Peuplements Licheniques Saxicoles-Calcicoles du Sud-Est de la France by Claude Roux, Lubrecht & Cramer, Limited 3768213013 Hymenomycetes De France: Heterobasidies-Homobasidies Gymnocarpes by H. Bourdot, A. Galzin, Lubrecht & Cramer, Limited 3768206556 Etude Analytique et Comparative de la Vegetation Aquatique D'Etangs et Marais du Nord de la France.: (Valle de la Sensee et Bassin Houillier du Nord-Pas-de-Calais) by J. Meriaux, Lubrecht & Cramer, Limited 3768212386 Bibliotheque Nationale De France, 1989-1995: Dominique Perrault, Architect by Francois Mitterrand, 3764355905 Vichy Law & the Holocaust in France by Richard Welsberg, 3718658925 Dance & Society in France by Paul Bourcier, 3718652579 Music, Society & Imagination in Contemporary France by Francois-Bernard Mache, 3718654210 Laser Chemistry in France by R. J. Vetter, Gordon & Breach Publishing Group 3718650894 State & Statistics in France, Seventeen Eighty-Nine to Eighteen Fifteen by Jean-Claude Perrot, Stuart J. Woolf, 3718602016 Numbering France by M. Bourguet, 3718604256 Rudolf Breitscheid et la France, 1919-1933 by Marie-Dominique Cavaille, Peter\Lang#Publishing, Incorporated 3631487959 La France Agricole et Marchande by Henri De Goyon de la Plombanie, Periodicals Service Company 3601001411