| A Review of: The Animal Sciences by W.P. KinsellaOdd is the first word that comes to mind to describe this novel.
However, a number of synonyms also apply: atypical, deviant, aberrant,
abnormal, irregular, peculiar, eccentric. There are five characters:
Kookla, a strange, troubled 20-something woman, whose unlikely name
is never explained; Robin, her ex-boyfriend, an failed medical
student who may be several cards short of a full deck; Autumn (a
male) who is also a current/ex-boyfriend; Duffer (a male) who is a
platonic friend of Kookla, but would probably like to be more; and
Igor, an immigrant whose only purpose in the book seems to be that
he owns a broken down car, and tells bizarre stories. These five
are mixed like chemicals in an experiment. It is often difficult
to tell if you are in the present or past, as Hotz reveals more and
more about the characters. Eventually, it appears that the story
is actually going somewhere, and the final pages are suspenseful,
and the ending is, well, odd, but in many ways satisfying. The
novel relies on one of the most annoying gimmicks I've ever
encountered. The opening of each section employs a key word from
the previous section. For example: The ending: "Autumn picked
up the telephone receiver and called the number. The beginning:
"Number...number... Kookla's eyes swept the apartment
directory." And, The ending: "Looking right back at him
with a black mascara wink, was a woman's artificial eyelash."
The beginning: "Eyelash on your cheekbone," said Duffer.
Consider that it happens about 30 times in this short novel. Good
novels don't need gimmicks. Gimmicks do nothing to enhance bad